Hugh Jackman eats every two and a half hours in order to maintain his superhero anatomy throughout the year.

What do you have to eat to have a body like Hugh Jackman’s? More than you have ever imagined, judging by the impressive anatomy of the Australian actor, famous for roles like the superhero Wolverine. Now, finally, we have an answer, although a partial one: as far as breakfast is concerned, Jackman does not hold back.

The actor (born Sydney, 1968) has uploaded to Instagram a photo of his excessive breakfast, accompanied by the phrase: “Eating light this morning.” Humour is not lacking. What this man eats to start the day is more than is offered by an all-inclusive hotel buffet. At first glance, we identified toast, an omelette, avocado, bacon and  sachets of Vegemite, which contains vitamins B1, B2, B3 and folic acid. Oh, and some herbs on top.

A normal breakfast in the actor’s life consists of toast, an omelette, avocado, bacon, Vegemite and a sprig of mint.

Wait a moment before going off to the supermarket: this breakfast, for any other mortal, would surely mean gaining a kilo a day (at least). If Jackman can afford to eat it, it’s because… he burns it! His training routine crushes all this and converts it into muscle mass. Yes: this breakfast is contraindicated for those who spend six hours lying in a hammock on the beach.

As we reported at the time, Jackman works hard to maintain that great body. He eats every two and a half hours. He has banished processed and unsalted foods, opting instead for brown rice, vegetables, fruit and protein from fish, chicken, meat and egg whites. He ingests 1000 calories more than the recommended daily allowance in order to gain muscle mass. And he gets up at four in the morning to make an extra meal.

Although we are sorry to say so, breakfasts like this are considered ideal by many stars. Last year, we learned that Victoria’s Secret model Elsa Hosk favours eggs and bacon for her first meal of the day. On the other hand, Harvard University argues that skipping breakfast can increase the risk of coronary heart disease – but Jackman’s breakfast is not what is recommended. In this video, a Harvard expert has a breakfast of yogurt with red fruits on top, whole grains without added sugar, and oatmeal with honey.