Inequality is one of the most discussed topics amongst the western world and while we think very little about it in our day to day lives, one man has visualised the issue in a series of photographs. Entitled “Unequal Scenes“, photographer Johnny Miller has commissioned drone technology to create a line of aerial images, that put the topic into perspective.

From the US in cities including Los Angeles, Detroit and Baltimore, to overpopulated spaces like Mumbai, India, Miller has travelled around the world to depict the lines dividing poor and rich neighbourhoods.

“Discrepancies in how people live are sometimes hard to see from the ground,” says Miller. “Some communities have been expressly designed with separation in mind, and some have grown more or less organically.” The series begun when Miller moved to Cape Town, South Africa and saw the stark segregation of urban spaces resulting from the apartheid from his drone images. From there, the project expanded to document other global metropolises in the hopes to “provoke a dialogue which can begin to address the issues of inequality and disenfranchisement in a constructive and peaceful way.”

Explore a selection of the images above, for more visit Johnny Miller’s website.