Even the briefest dive into the timeline of the Augustinus Bader skincare line, its journey from inception to achieving cult status, is nothing short of cinematic. And not solely due to the brand’s heavy backing from Hollywood royalty from its earliest days but a famous or two has definitely helped. But even then, celebrity can only go so far. The truth is, the real reason behind Augustinus Bader’s rapid rise to the top of a savagely competitive ecosystem is excruciatingly simple: it works.

skincare, augustinus bader, Melanie Grant
Augustinus Bader. Image: Supplied

The skincare market is saturated with brands that promise science-backed and research led claims but few carry the authentic peer-review cred that Augustinus Bader, founded by Professor Augustinus Bader, a biomedical scientist at the University of Leipzig, and financier Charlies Rosier boasts. Perhaps it helps that the brand was initially launched as a gateway to fund Bader’s ongoing research into burn and scar recovery and a revolutionary wound gel. “I think the inspiration was really to find a pragmatic financing tool or way for Augustinus’ clinical trials for burn victims,” says Rosier.

“So when I saw that technology I thought okay, somebody that can turn burned skin into perfect skin can probably easily deal with wrinkles.”

Professor Augustinus Bader, Melanie Grant, Charlies Rosier. Image: Supplied

In person, Rosier and Bader are a far cry from the usual “faces” of luxury skincare. Rosier, in a zip knit and trousers, Bader in bow-tie and fresh from a shopping trip at R.M. Williams, would look perfectly at place at a tech seminar as they did in the serene confines of Double Bay skin guru Melanie Grant. Their no-fuss presentation translates into the manner in which they approached skincare, says Rosier. One that was a calculated move, informed by Bader’s deep understanding of skin biology and regeneration.

The duo was clear from the outset: their products would not be ordinary. They would be vehicles of Bader’s pioneering Trigger Factor Complex (TFC8®), a formula designed to promote the skin’s natural renewal processes. This scientific backbone, however, did not overshadow the brand’s commitment to simplicity and purity in formulation—a stance that has distinguished Augustinus Bader products in a market often criticised for its reliance on unnecessary additives and overcomplicated routines.

“A decade ago, the claims in skincare were too good to be true,” says Bader. “Now we have a consumer product that really works and the success of these products in the brand is linked to technology. It is not a new plant we found in the forest, it’s something different. It’s a biomedical approach. So that’s quite innovative, to bring something from basic academic research to the real world. Very few people succeed in this.”

The brand quickly gained traction, not through traditional advertising, but through the endorsement of several of Hollywood most powerful players. Thanks to the currency of appearance, it’s been an industry known to push “cult” brands well ahead of their mainstream success, from the likes of Erno Lazslo to more recently French brand Biologique Recherche. Some have proven to be worth the hype, others discovered to be mostly fanfare. Few had the gravitas of academic expertise and lab proven efficacy that Bader promises.

Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson were among the first to be introduced to the brand’s lab samples, thanks to a personal connection, Rosier shares “That’s how Melanie got a lab sample and she saw the effect of the cream on her own skin and Don the same.” Their genuine enthusiasm for the product set the stage for Augustinus Bader’s entry into the Hollywood scene, an endorsement that would prove invaluable. 

The Serum. Image: Supplied

It wasn’t long before other celebrities like Courtney Cox and Brad Pitt took notice, drawn by the brand’s promise and the compelling story behind its creation. Add to that a growing number of serious financial backers including Antoine Arnault, the oldest scion of LVMH chairman Bernard Arnault.

“We’ve been very lucky and grateful that actually an idea like that, that could be a little bit of a fantasy idea turned into a reality that worked,” Rosier reflects on the brand’s success. The word of mouth in such elite circles was instrumental in propelling Augustinus Bader to cult status, a testament to the product’s performance and the brand’s ethos.

Image: Supplied


The skincare line’s foundation in science, coupled with its luxury positioning, resonated deeply with a market looking for products that deliver tangible results. Bader’s explanation of the science behind their products, while complex, underscores the brand’s commitment to innovation: “The TFC, if you translate it means Trigger Factor Complex…It’s a little bit the toolbox that you need when your skin has been triggered to fix it.” This scientific rigour, combined with the allure of celebrity endorsements, created a compelling narrative for consumers.

As the brand has evolved into a full fleshed out line of products that includes the standard system of, serum, toner and moisturiser now joined by new body products, so has its following. Journalists and beauty enthusiasts, often sceptical of lofty claims, have flocked to Augustinus Bader’s products and crow its benefits. “So I think Augustinus’ story gave us the credibility that meant we are probably part of the one percent brands that are truly trusted,” says Rosier.