There is something to be said when two creative concepts perfectly intertwine. A celebration of culture and like-minded individuals, collaborations in today’s modern sphere are not an unusual occurrence but for this particular occasion, the fusion of Australian music, art and luxury fashion couldn’t be more symbiotic. After touring the world from New York, to Madrid and Shanghai, Hermès‘ anticipated ‘Silk Mix’ initiative is making its way Down Under.

Stemming from a passion of music shared by artistic director of Hermès men’s universe Véronique Nichanian and Christophe Goineau, creative director of men’s silk, the duo gave birth to the perfectly dubbed, ‘Silk Mix’. A unique pop-up infusing local talent and its signature silk scarves, the concept is an experience inspired by a record store, a place that is all about browsing, listening and discovering. Now, from Saturday March 30 to Monday April 1, the French luxury fashion house is inviting music and fashion enthusiasts to Melbourne, Australia.

Spanning over three days, the temporary installation will provide a place in which men’s silk scarves illustrate record sleeves, while ties adorn cassettes, showcasing music from The Delta Riggs, REMI and Mane. All unique and eclectic in their own sounds, Saturday will see rising hip-hop act REMI take to the stage, while the swagger-filled The Delta Riggs will play on Sunday. Lastly, breakout talent and indie-pop sensation Mane will round out the Melbourne-based Silk Mix on Monday evening.

Round up the gang and head to FortyFiveDownstairs from 11am till 7pm, with live music from 8pm on March 30, 31 and April 1. Admission is free. For more information visit here.