MR PORTER, garment care, sustainability

In the age of fast fashion, the quest for sustainability in the apparel industry is more urgent than ever. We hear the terms “buy better”, “buy less”, “buy ethically”. Yes to all those things. But what happens once we those clothes are in our wardrobe?

One often overlooked aspect of this mission lies not just in how, where and why clothes are made but in how they’re cared for post-purchase. To understand this better, ICON spoke to MR PORTER’s Style Director, Mr. Olie Arnold, who shed light on this crucial, yet under-appreciated, facet of the fashion industry.

Arnold emphasises the significance of garment care as a pivotal first step for individuals looking to adopt a more sustainable approach to fashion. According to Arnold, proper care extends the life of clothing, significantly reducing waste and environmental harm.  This includes breaking down common misconceptions about “care”, such as the overreliance on dry cleaning, and advocating instead for methods that balance efficacy with environmental consideration.

MR PORTER, garment care, sustainability

ICON: How significant is an in-depth understanding of garment care in fostering sustainable fashion practices, in your view?

OLIE ARNOLD: In my view, relevant garment care can play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of clothing, reducing waste, and minimising the harm to the environment. For example, washing clothes only when required is better for keeping the quality of your clothes and reduces energy use. So rather than putting that pair of jeans or knitwear item in a wash cycle, you should consider spot cleaning.

Ultimately, it is important to always check the care instructions to truly understand how best to look after it to look after an item. I always advocate for garments to air dry vs using the tumble dryer as tumble drying can be harsh and can lead to shrinkage and fabric damage.

MR PORTER, garment care, sustainability

ICON: Are there common misconceptions about garment care that you believe should be corrected to better support sustainable fashion?

OA: One of the biggest misconceptions that comes to mind is that dry cleaning is always the best for delicate or high-quality garments. Hand-washing can generally be good to consider first and you should only attempt spot cleaning if you feel confident enough to. That said, while dry cleaning may be necessary for certain fabrics or specific stains, it is not always the most sustainable option as the process often involves the use of harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and human health.

ICON: Could you share some key garment care tips that you believe everyone should follow to prolong the life of their clothing?

OA: Alongside not washing your clothes too frequently and carefully following the garment’s care instructions, considerate storage solutions can also play a huge part in prolonging a garment’s life. For example, storing shoes in shoe boxes ensures they are kept fresh and in pristine condition, tailoring should be kept in suiting bags to keep moths away and knitwear should be folded, not hung, to avoid misshaping.

Also – look into repair options if general wear and tear occurs. There are incredible care and repair providers worldwide now that can bring a garment back to life!

MR PORTER, garment care, sustainability

ICON: Looking to the future, what developments in garment care technology are you hoping to see, and how could these innovations further bolster sustainable fashion efforts? Are there any recent innovations that have caught your attention?

At MR PORTER, we are always looking at new ways we can encourage product circularity and transparency with our customers to help elongate their garments lifespan, we currently do this by publishing relevant content across our editorial channel, The Journal, and offering services such as care and repair and resale to customers within certain regions.

Our private label Mr P. has made great strides in delivering collections made with longevity in mind and has integrated smart technologies to help meet its ongoing sustainability commitments. An example is the recently launched virtual try-on pilot, rolled out across select Mr P. styles, where customers can create a high-quality 3D avatar that mirrors their own measurements so they can realistically see how a garment will look on their body. Designed to support growing customer appetite for more conscious shopping, the initiative aims to reduce the need for customers to return items.

Mr P. has often been at the forefront of innovative design and since 2021, it has embedded Digital ID technology across its ready-to-wear collections, which share post-purchase insights with customers on design, provenance, care, and repair.